The new event explores the distant and forgotten past of our characters, particularly Torvald, and his encounter with Aurora. The story unfolds on the Soul Island, a land abundant with valuable resources. The head of a corporation and his workers have arrived on the Isle to exploit its natural treasures, disrupting the island's natural balance.
Torvald's actions and choices play a significant role in the unfolding events. As a player, you will have the opportunity to determine the outcome and impact the fate of the Isle in this new adventure!
Soul Island Event is a Temporary Adventure. It's available for 14 days to Chiefs who completed the Dino's Cave event.
Forest Spirit
Water Spirit
Fire Spirit
How do I play?
Clearing obstacles
Use energy to clear obstacles that stand in your way. Click an object to see how much energy you need to remove it.
Clearing obstacles, you'll get resources for restoring certain objects and cooking.
You will discover bombs here and there. Detonate them to clear all the obstacles within a certain radius. Bombs can clear everything except for tricky objects such as ruins.
Gems are needed to detonate bombs found on the island.
To buy new bombs or use those you already have, click a bomb button at the bottom right of the screen.
You can find valuable resources in chests scattered around the island, including gems.
To open a chest, collect the required number of keys that drop from stone ruins.
Energy is the most important resource in an adventure. Keep in mind that Temporary Adventures and Treasure Islands use the same pool of energy. Luckily, wise Chiefs know how to replenish it:
- Energy is restored automatically over time — one point per minute.
- Click on buildings and facilities and other objects. You can get a little energy this way, but only once from each object.
Find bowls of fruit on the island. You don't have to spend energy to use them.
- Click the plus button on the energy bar to buy more.
Spend your energy efficiently to complete the adventure and receive unique prizes.