Before reporting an error, take a look at the list of known issues. It might contain the info on the bug you've encountered. If not, make a report about the issue you're dealing with. The guide below will help you form an informative and thorough report, which in turn will help us study the issue. Any details will be very important, so please provide the following in your report:
- a detailed description of the bug: why you consider it a bug
- describe the possible steps to reproduce the error: all the actions you took before the bug appeared
- the frequency of the error: did it appear only once or does it happen regularly, how often
- date and time of the error as well as your time zone
Finally, we are always happy to receive informative screenshots or video captures of the game that show the error. The latest Android and iOS devices have the screen recording feature by default, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.