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The Tribez是什么?
The Tribez提供终极冒险,带你穿越时空前往一片神秘而又神奇的土地,那里有恐龙、巨大无比的南瓜和爱好和平的可爱部落居民。享受石器时代丰富的生活方式,探索充满秘密的巨大五彩世界,帮助这里的人们走向繁荣和昌盛。 我们的世界里有你想要的一切:从安静地钓鱼,灌溉菜园,到探索深不可测...
我们的社区在 https://www.facebook.com/TheTribez
How do I delete my account?
The Tribez app supports the function of removing all of your in-game data via dedicated option in the game settings.If you would like to rem...
What platforms is the game available on?
The game is available on the following platforms: iOS, Google Play, Windows Store, Amazon, Samsung Store, Galaxy Store, GI Desktop/ PC, Goog...
What languages are supported by the game?
Supported languages: English, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French and Simplified Chinese.
How do I change the language in the game?
Mobile Device:To change the language on your mobile device, go to your device settings. The game's language will automatically update. The f...
抱歉,此功能在以下版本的游戏中不可用: Windows应用商店版本 G!桌面版 亚马逊版 三星Galaxy应用商店
通知功能便于你在未登录游戏时也能了解游戏的最新动态。谷歌游戏你可以在设备设置中打开或关闭游戏通知:设置 > 通用 > 应用程序 >部族。勾选或取消勾选“显示通知”复选框。iOS你可以在设备设置中打开或关闭游戏通知:设置 > 通知 > 部族 > ...