Ice — To break ice, match pieces next to a frozen tile. Breaking ice is often a level goal.
Walls — Walls do not allow you to move pieces. These cannot be destroyed.
Gold and blue tiles — special tiles with pieces on them. To get rid of the gold tiles, match three or more pieces: gold tiles will turn into blue ones. Blue tiles are destroyed by matching at least three pieces. If a piece in the match is on a blue tile, it will disappear. Destroying blue tiles is often a level goal.
Cat in a Bag — to let a cat out of the bag, you need to match pieces next to the bag. Sometimes you’ll need more than one match to free a cat. Cats are often a level goal.
Flowerbed — to grow a flower on a Flowerbed, you need to match pieces next to it. Sometimes you’ll need more than one match to get a flower. Flowers are often a level goal.
Butterflies — the mechanics is the same as with Cat in a bag. Butterflies are also often a level goal.