🥤 Wondershop
How do I gain access to the Wondershop?
Complete Naomi's quests. One of them will require you to purchase a new territory containing a Wondershop.After purchasing the territory, he...
Can I refresh the offers in the Wondershop? How often?
The offers are refreshed for free, every four hours. Different goods have different chances to appear. To find out when the next refresh wil...
Can I increase the number of available items?
If you want to get even more products for exchanging in the Shop, open additional slots for crystals, or for viewing ads on Android and iOS ...
Can I get a discount in Wondershop?
Make purchases in the Wondershop and you'll receive discounts! The size of the discount depends on how many items you buy. The indicator wil...
I’ve refreshed the offers, but the item I needed did not appear. What do I do?
There are many items worthy of being sold in the Wondershop, but there’s not enough space for all of them. Don’t worry if the item you neede...
What types of crates can be found at the Wondershop?
You can purchase a certain number of crates with either coins or crystals on a daily basis. Every crate will cost you more than the previous...
How often can I get a free crate in the Wondershop?
You can open 1 crate of tools for free every day. It contains the same items and resources as the crates purchased with coins. There is a ti...
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