If you encountered a bug we'd like to know about it. Before submitting a report please check with a list of known issues — it might contain information about a bug you ran into. The following guidelines will help you accurately write a bug report, which in its turn will greatly aid us in its further investigation. Any detail and context is important, so when reporting a bug please provide:

  • a detailed description of the bug: what makes it a bug?;
  • possible steps to reproduce it: sequence of actions to trigger such behavior;
  • frequency of its occurrence: is it a one-time or recurring issue? If the latter, how often does it occur?;
  • time and date of the incident specifying your time zone.

Finally, a screenshot or even better a screen recording video of the bug is always appreciated. It is not a problem for the latest Android and iOS versions, as they have inbuilt screen recorders.

Please note: if you encounter a bug or an error in the game, do not try to fix it yourself or reinstall the game. Tech support will take care of it. Any damage done by trying to fix the error yourself will not be compensated, and reinstalling the game can lead to loss of game progress.