Google Play (Android):
- Go to
- At the top right, tap your Profile icon.
- Tap Payments & subscriptions
Budget & Order history.
- Review your orders.
Apple (iOS):
Open the App Store app.
Tap the Sign-In button
or your photo at the top of the screen.
Tap Purchase History. You might be asked to sign in.
Your purchase history appears. If you’re not sure what you were charged for but you know the amount of the charge, search for the amount.
If you want to view more purchases, tap "Last 90 days" at the top of Purchase History and choose another way to filter your purchases.
Samsung Galaxy Store:
After logging in to Galaxy Store, you can check the apps you have purchased (installed) by tapping “Menu” and then “My apps.” From the Galaxy Store menu screen, you can also update your apps or check your purchase history (Receipts).
Windows Store:
To review app, game or subscription purchases, track orders or view and print invoices, sign in to the order history page on your Microsoft account dashboard ->
To see more orders and past purchases, select the Ordered within Past 3 months dropdown.
Amazon Appstore:
You can view the details of your digital orders and print an invoice at any time:
- Click "Your Account" on the top right-hand side of the website.
- Once on the Your Account page, find the Orders section.
- At the top of the Orders page, click "Digital Orders."
Login into your Xsolla Wallet account. After you have logged in to your Xsolla Wallet account, you can see all of your transactions and their current status. Payments might be in successful, refunded, or in failed status. All the information is found in Purchases.